Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Don't look, Katy! Russell Brand locks lips with film co-star

Pucker up: Greta Gerwig gets a huge great smacker from Russell Brand

He was known as a famous lothario before he got settled down with popstar Katy Perry - but it seems Russell Brand is still kissing other girls and liking it.

Luckily for 25-year-old Katy though, her fiancee is merely acting for his role as a womaniser in the remake of the classic 1981 movie Arthur.

The British funnyman was spotted on set getting convincingly passionate with co-star Greta Gerwig - though Ms Perry will be relieved they pulled apart when the director yelled 'cut'.

The comedian, engaged to singer Katy Perry, has already been seen on the New York set sporting a variety of looks, ranging from wearing a top hat, cravat and tails to appearing in just his y-fronts.

source: dailymail

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